
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How To Curl Your Eyelashes And Make It Stay

1. Remove all previous traces of makeup using makeup remover. Old makeup can gum up your eyelash curler and create a messy appearance.

2. Wash and dry your face, eliminating any residue from the makeup remover. These types of products can stop your eyelashes from maintaining a good curl.

3. Use the hair dryer to heat the eyelash curler. A warm appliance helps set a longer lasting curl.

4. Hold the curler in your hand in the same fashion you normally hold a pair of scissors. Position the curler upright so your hand rests beneath the curling bar. The curve must face outward.

5. Open the curler and carefully bring it near your upper lashes. Gently position your upper eyelashes between the curling blades at the mid-point. Straighten the curler so it catches all the lashes at an equal distance from their base. 
6. Close the curler carefully on the lashes and examine the grip. If you're not satisfied, open the blades and reposition the curler. When you're happy with the grip, squeeze the curler handles tightly and hold in place for several seconds without blinking.

7. Open the eyelash curler and examine the curl. Repeat if necessary to define the curl before applying makeup. Repeat Steps 3 to 6 on the other eye.

How To Get a Healthy Scalp

1. If you have dandruff, which is the result or skin cells turning over too quickly--not dry skin, or a flaky, itchy scalp, use a dandruff shampoo containing pyrithionze zinc.

2. Eat healthy and consume foods with vitamins, such as carrots or sweet potatoes, and healthy fats, such sardines or avocado.

3. If you can eat foods containing certain nutrients--great. If not, take a multi-vitamin or specific supplements to promote a healthy scalp. Here are some of the vitamins and their benefits: Vitamin A (produces healthy scalp sebum), Vitamin C (keeps skin and hair healthy), Vitamin B3/Niacin and Vitamin E (promotes scalp circulation), Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Biotin (prevents hair loss).

4. Brush or comb the scalp gently, once daily, to stimulate scalp circulation and redistribute oils.

5. If you have a dry scalp, see if you can wash every other day instead of daily. This can prevent too much stripping of healthy scalp oils. If your hair gets greasy at the roots in-between washings, wear a colorful scarf. Make a fashion statement.

6. Constant blow drying, use of curling irons and harsh chemicals can make your hair dull and lifeless. Healthy and shiny hair begins with healthy scalp

7. You can get Exta virgin coconut oil from any drug store OR you can get any type of cocnout oil from the Grocery aisle.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How To Strengthen Brittle Nails

1. Nail Polish Remover - First off you should use acetone free nail polish removers to help protect your nails. Using acetone nail polish removers strips your nails of their natural oils and can cause peeling on delicate nails.
2. DNA AND GENETICS -You might as well ask why you have brown hair or why you've got a dusting of freckles on your arms. The strength of your nails is by and large a product of good old DNA. Look at your siblings, parents, cousins, children: Do they have weak nails, too? If so, close the book. We've solved the mystery of your weak nails, and the only solution is to keep them strong by adding a layer of strengthening base coat and polish.
3. Use A Hand And Nail Cream - Using a cream made specifically for hands and nails is a good way to protect and strengthen them. Use it daily morning and night, make sure to apply it at night so it can soak in.
4. Use A Nail Strengthener - You can find a good nail strengthening product to help your nails. Look in the nail polish section to find a good one. Apply it once a week and you will notice your nails harden and they will also look healthier.
5. Your Diet - Eating the right foods helps you from the inside out. Biotin also known as vitamin B7 can help strengthen your nails and is found in the following foods, egg yolks, milk, beans, nuts, tomatoes, poultry, fish, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, yeast, and liver. You should aimfor 2.5 milligrams of vitamin B7 a day.Not only is biotin good for your nails, but also your skin, hair and it helps your body to produce glucose.
6. NUTRITION - A high-calcium diet can have an almost immediate effect on the health of your nails. If you don't do it for your bones, do it for your fingernails. Consider the added bone density a nice little bonus! Along with a diet rich in calcium, make sure that you're getting a balance of other vitamins, especially vitamin E.
7. See Your Doctor - If none of these tip work then you should consider seeing your doctor. You may have a treatable medical condition or a nutritional deficiency that they can detect.
