
Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Increase Your Height Or Grow Taller

1. The first step involves your diet and nutrition. Go by the phrase, "don't eat what you don't need" - consume what you have to and that is all. For your body to grow, you mainly need calcium and protein. Calcium helps to strengthen and maintain your bones and teeth, while protein helps to build and repair your muscles and tissues. You need both of these nutrients to grow - you also need a few other vitamins and nutrients but we will discuss that later.

2. The second step involves your sleeping habits. Sleeping is important for growth because your brain releases more growth hormone when your body is calm and relaxed - a state perfectly achieved by sleeping for adequate periods of time. Make sure you sleep in a comfortable environment and get around 8 hours of sleep each and every night.

3. The third step involves your posture. Having a good posture can instantly make you taller! A good posture also makes you appear more attractive, young and energetic. Use a mirror if you need to - get your body properly aligned and make sure you make it a habit! Don't ever slouch! At the same time though, don't lean back too much either, you need to get your body all straight.

4. The fourth step to increasing your height naturally involves your exercise routine. Exercise has unlimited benefits - it can reduce your likelihood of obtaining most common diseases and problems. A good exercise routine can also help strengthen and build your entire body, including your bones and muscles. You need exercise to grow taller! Try to do some basketball, swimming, yoga and stretching. If you lack commitment, sign up at a local gym with a group of friends!

5. The fifth step involves having an appearance that can make you look taller. Try to wear clothing with vertical stripes - they can make you appear taller. Have a good grooming routine and if possible, grow your hair to be bigger as that too can make you look taller. If you really want it, you can also wear thick shoes with soles in them which can give you an instant height boost.

6. The sixth step involves the utilization of a good height system. A height system can guide you towards increased height and it can safely help to boost your height and growth rate. 

7. Eat healthy foods and don't forget your vitamins! You need calcium and phosphorus for proper growth - so make sure your getting all of your nutrients, otherwise use supplements.

8. Drink 8 glasses of water and when trying to consume foods and drinks rich with calcium and protein, go for things like milk, cheese, chick peas, kidney beans, lentils, tuna, beef, chicken and etc.

9. Eat in portions, many times throughout the day - this helps keep your metabolism at a good rate, which helps to burn your fat quicker.

10. As stated before, sleep for around 7-9 hours each night and make sure your pillow and mattress are comfortable. The ambiance has to be perfect!

11. Try to make it a life-long habit to maintain a good posture.

12. A good exercise for growth is to hang from a monkey bar - that way, there is the force of gravity pushing down on you and there is your own strength and force keeping you in place - it is a really good stretching exercise.

13. Eat only lean cuts of meat and consume only low-fat dairy!

14. Don't forget to eat a small meal about 3 hours before you sleep.

15. Make sure to sleep during the night and not during the day - it keeps you off balance.

16. Make sure you get the form right, when you exercise - use the guidance of an expert as needed the one provided in the booklet when you place an order.

17. Be aware of scam height increase products - most grow taller products are not even certified. Sinotech is the only certified company that has a clinic with an address and a doctor.

By: derreck 

Additional Tips:

1. Consider yoga. This type of exercise is not only important to help them relax, but the movements are used to push his body. Over time this form of exercise will help you improve your posture and improve your bone strength. More stretch the body is causing the space that occurs between the vertebrae of your spine and the bones begin to round away from these areas.

Improving Posture

Just by having better posture, you may be able to increase your height by up to 4 inches. Here is the correct upright posture, according to SpineOne Orthopaedics: "First, take a look in a full-length mirror. When standing, your head should be over your shoulders, which should not be thrown back. There should be a natural curve to your lower back; your pelvis should be level; and your abdomen should be pulled in. Straighten your knees, but don't lock them. Finally, your weight should be equally distributed on both legs."

Swimming and Sprinting

Certain exercises can help you grow taller, such as swimming and sprinting. When you are swimming and your body is in the water, there is less gravity weighing down on your body, opening up bone areas and allowing them to fill with new bone tissue. Swimming is also a great way to relieve stress, which can inhibit growth. Try to swim at least three times a week for optimal results.

Quick body movements, such as sprinting, release high amounts of HGH (human growth hormone). The longer you can continue sprinting, the more growth hormone will be produced by your body. Since sprinting involves mostly the legs, they will benefit the most from the release of HGH, which can increase your height the most.

Back Stretches

Stretching your back can help to lengthen the spine and relieve tired muscles that may contribute to poor posture. A popular stretch is as simple as hanging upside down. This will open the vertebrae in your spinal column, creating more space between and encouraging your body to create more bone to fill in the space. The safest way to do this is to find a comfortable position and strap your legs to prevent falling. Don't hang longer than 20 minutes as this may actually damage your back.

For another good back stretch, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands together behind your back. Keep your arms straight and bend forward as far as you comfortably can, exhaling as you go forward. Hold your breath and stay in that position for five seconds, then return to standing. Release your breath, then arch backward and stretch your arms up and back, as if you're yawning.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots And Patches On Elbow And Knees

By: Janeen Elite

One of the leading causes of dark skin on knees and elbows is the constant friction 
they might be receiving when you lean on your elbows or sit on your knees during 
work or play. Luckily there are a few ways to get rid of those dark patches or spots.


  • Moisturizer and Sunscreen should be used daily to help prevent dark elbows and knees.

  • Try not to lean on your elbows when working at your desk or sitting on your knees

  • Instructions:

    1. Lemon For Elbows
      Lemon For Elbows

      Use Lemon. Cut a lemon in half and sit with each elbow in each half for approximately 10 minutes.

      The lemon's acid should help gently break down the dark patches of skin.

      When done, wash with water.

    2. Aloe For Dark Spots
      Aloe For Dark Spots

      Aloe Plant. If you happen to have access to a fresh aloe plant, open up the leaf and rub the green fresh part on affected areas.

    3. Cocoa Butter Moisturizer
      Cocoa Butter Moisturizer

      Moisturize. This is always important to do regardless of what other treatments you decide to use as well. Twice a day would be best. Be sure to use a Cocoa butter or shea butter because these are thicker than regular lotions

    4. Sunscreen

      Use Sunscreen. Apply at least a 30 SPF sunscreen to knees and elbows while tanning to avoid the spots becoming even darker

    5. Coconut Oil
      Coconut Oil

      Coconut Oil. The skin on elbows is usually devoid of oil glands so it is one of the reasons why they can get so dry. Try applying virgin coconut oil to help keep the skin moist and supple

    6. Skin Lightening for Elbows
      Skin Lightening for Elbows

      For extremely stubborn patches you can try skin bleaching lotions that can be found in most drug stores. Two of the better ones recommended are Ambi Fade Cream and Nadinola Extra Strength Formula.

    Bad Breath Causes and Remedies

    Causes of Bad Breath

    The path to cleaner, fresher breath depends on the source. Widespread causes of halitosis are residing right there in your mouth. Plaque is a film of odor-producing bacteria that forms on your gums, teeth and tongue. Poor dental hygiene can result in tooth decay and gum disease.

    Foods with strong odors such as garlic, onions and spices are absorbed into your body and exhaled out of your lungs. Acidic foods and beverages can promote sour breath. Coffee and fruit juice can also cause an undesirable smell. Tobacco and excessive alcohol are not only detrimental to your health, they will wreak havoc on your breath and leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    There may be an underlying health problem such as a stomach, intestinal or bowel infection that may cause less-than-favorable breath. Sinus and throat infections are common and often cause a bad odor. More serious illnesses and the medications prescribed to treat them can also be a factor. If you suspect any illness, see your doctor. Treating a disease or disorder is important in itself and will help cure the chronic bad breath that goes along with it.

    Bad Breath Home Remedies

    Practice good oral hygiene and keep everything in your mouth as clean as possible. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day to get rid of plaque and food between your teeth. Use baking soda toothpaste or household baking soda to freshen up. Do you see a white film on your tongue? Brush that off frequently, to reduce the bacteria residing there. Try to reach as far back as possible without gagging. A tongue-scraper is handy, which can usually be found by the toothpaste in stores. Follow up with an antiseptic mouthwash to kill germs and give your breath a boost.

    Saliva naturally cleans your mouth and combats dryness. Some people habitually breathe through their mouth or sleep with it open. This dries everything up and allows bacteria flourish, giving you unwelcome daytime or "morning breath." Drink some water, particularly after you've finished eating and keep some on your nightstand at home for a quick drink. In the day hours, chew on some sugarless gum or candy to keep the saliva flowing and enhance your breath.
    Another preventive measure is to watch your diet. Eliminate spicy and acidic foods. If you have stomach cramping, gas, bloating or diarrhea, reduce or cut out dairy products to see if you are lactose intolerant. If you discover that you are, there are OTC (over-the-counter) pills you can take or drops you can add to your food to aid digestion. Calcium supplements are strongly recommended to replace what you're missing.

    OTC remedies include gum, mints, sprays and mint strips. These all are great for a quick-fix to mask bad breath, but they don't cure it. The best solution is to find out what is causing it and take appropriate steps to alleviate it.

    By: beautytipsonline

    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    How To Lose Flab Under Your Arms

  • High protein low carbs is the first diet change you need to lose weight in your arms. Unfortunately you normally need to lose weight in your entire body to start effecting your arms. High protein will build more muscle to burn off more fat and carbs that lead to saggy arms.

  • Cardio is another help to lose weight in your arms. Performing some high intense cardio exercise 30 minutes a day 3-4 days a week will help tone the arms and drop the weight. I would recommended power walking with weights in hand for those new to exercise methods.

  • Weight training will also be helpful to burn off the fat and lose weight in your arms. Notice I said you need to burn off the fat.

    This is a fact *you can not turn fat into muscle or muscle into fat.* As you build muscle the fat is burned off and the protein you consume helps create muscle. Don't ever let anyone tell you different!

    The reason muscular people can eat more without gaining weight is because they have a bigger engine that can burn fuel faster so start hitting the weights and enjoy the perks. 

  • To keep motivated you can join look at several large fitness magazines.

  • Weights can focus to build muscle in your arms to burn off more fat and the diet can reduce your incoming fat/carbs so you have less coming in to take care of

  • Try push-ups to further tone your arms and build muscle. Lay face down on the floor. Push your body up several inches off the floor with your hands. Keep your spine straight. Repeat about five times for a beginner. Work your way up to about 30 push-ups every other day.

  • Keep hydrated by drinking at least eight cups of water each day. This is important for losing weight in your arms because drinking enough water helps you lose weight quicker and will give you more energy to exercise. Water also nourishes the skin so it stays firm and does not lose elasticity as you lose excess weight

  • By:

    Make Up Tips and Tricks

    Make Up Tips & Tricks

    Eye ShadowWhile cosmetics are something that many women can't live without, others like keep it minimal and look natural. Whether you're a young or mature woman, these free tips  are for those who want accent their finest features and look their best.
    Remember, make-up is a great beauty enhancer, but you need to remove it every night and let your skin breathe -- so you don't end up with clogged pores and blemishes. Here you'll find free make up tips and tricks to give you a stunning look for both casual and formal occasions.

    Applying Foundation

    • Your foundation should match your face and neck, so don't try it on your hand or arm for color a match.
    • Use a foundation with a sunscreen with at least SPF 15 to prevent future skin damage.
    • Ask for samples at the cosmetics counter but not before determining your skin type.
    • You will probably need a different shade of foundation for each season, so don't use the same one all year long. Blending colors sometimes is the only way to get a perfect match.
    • Don't forget to apply foundation on your eyelids, lips and into your neck for a more natural look. This also is a good setting for eye shadow and lipstick and helps it stay on longer.
    • For clear complexions, sometimes all you need is a tinted moisturizer for a natural look.
    • Liquid foundation is usually water based and is best for dry skin. Use a sponge or your fingers to blend from the nose, out.
    • Liquid foundation can settle and separate, so remember to shake it up before use.
    • Apply loose translucent powder with a large cosmetics brush to "set" your foundation and keep it from running in hot and humid weather.
    • For dry skin, apply a light moisturizer before your foundation.
    • Powder foundation is ideal for oily skin and will help reduce shine.
    • Use a concealer for those nasty blemishes and pat lightly with pressed powder.
    • If your foundation is too heavy, add a couple drops of moisturizer to thin.
    • After applying make-up, go outside or near a window to check for blunders.

    Eye Make-up

    • Overly plucked eyebrows look unnatural and make your eyes appear smaller.
    • Use Eye shadow to shape and define your eyes. Three shades are ideal with the darkest on the lid and the lightest just below the brow bone.
    • Neutral tones are the best for daytime.
    • Cream eye shadow is best used sparingly and only in cool weather. It has a tendency to crease. If you prefer the cream look, try a frost powder shadow that has a similar look.
    • Powder eye shadow stays on the longest.
    • Matte eye shadow looks better than frost if you're tired. Frost shadow draws attention to wrinkles.
    • Extend your eye shadow above the lid (crease) and use a light shadow or highlighter right beneath your brow to open up your eyes and make them appear larger.
    • Using an eyelash curler before you apply mascara will shape your lashes and extend them to the fullest potential. To prevent damage, do not hold the curler too close to the roots.
    • Black/Brown mascara and eyeliner flatters most faces, blondes, brunettes, and redheads. Black is usually too harsh, especially for blondes.
    • For extra thick, fuller eyelashes, apply mascara to the top and bottom of your lashes.
    • When applying mascara to your bottom lashes, fold a sheet of toilet paper or tissue underneath the lashes and apply. This keeps mascara from getting on your face.
    • Mascara is best when two coats are applied. Make sure the first coat is dry before applying the second.
    • Use unscented baby wipes to remove eye make-up. Rub lightly.
    • If you use liquid eye liner for a more dramatic effect, practice making straight lines. Crooked eyeliner will ruin your look.
    • Eyeliner on the lower lids can make your eyes appear smaller. To open them up, line only the upper lids.
    • Put your eye pencils in the freezer for a few minutes before sharpening.
    • Waterproof mascara is a must if you're participating in swimming and outdoor sports. Same goes for emotional events such as weddings and funerals.


    • Keep lips moisturized at night with petroleum jelly or lip balm.
    • Use a lip liner that matches your lipstick.
    • To make thin lips appear larger, apply your liner just outside of your natural lip line. Add a final touch with lip gloss.
    • Apply pressed powder on and around your lips if your lipstick has a tendency to "bleed."
    • If you're blond, avoid dark colors that appear too harsh.
    • Never apply lipstick testers to your lips in a store. It's not hygienic. Try applying it to the back of your wrist instead.
    • Unless your teeth are sparkling white, avoid coral and orange lipsticks. Instead, try red, pink or plum.
    • To avoid getting lipstick on your teeth, after application, run your finger through the middle of your lips and pull it back out. The excess will come off on your finger -- not your teeth.


    • For tan or dark skin, apply bronzing powder to cheeks in lieu of blusher.
    • Pinch your cheeks for an instant glow.
    • Use a medium-sized blush brush to avoid a striping affect.
    • Apply blush to the apple of your cheeks and just underneath your jaw. Avoid the old technique of applying blush outwards towards the temple. (Updated.)
    • Try peach colored blush for a great sun-kissed look.
    • If you don't wear foundation, try a liquid or crème blush.

    General Makeup Tips

    • Always use good lighting and a clean mirror.
    • Keep your make-up light in the summer. Heavy foundation will cake and melt off in the summer heat and humidity, leaving you with a streaked look.
    • For proper hygiene, don't use outdated cosmetics, particularly around the eye area and never share your make-up with anyone.
    • Try bronzing powder underneath your cheeks and jawbone to make your face appear slimmer.
    • To make your nose appear smaller, apply bronzing powder carefully down the sides. Add a little shimmer creme or powder down the bridge of your nose.
    • Use Q-tips to blend in any eye shadow that has fallen on your cheeks or face.
    • Clean your make up brushes and applicators often to reduce bacteria and oil.
    • If your powder blush or eye shadow breaks up in the compact, use alcohol to press it back together.
    By: beautytipsonline